Monday, April 8, 2013

22 March 2013

All my branches extend into ashes
the remnants of what were, what was
and in my bones, my wrinkles, breathing
there springs a river of everlasting life
flowing from my bones, my breast
and one who keeps swimming--
it was you all along.

(a response to the prompt "are you even the main character in your own story?" 
that a friend presented me with last month)


  1. Oh Allison. I love this. I always have to think so hard when it comes to poetry but you have a way with words. The imagery has a distinct feel to it. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Ooh, this one I'll have to sit and marinate on....That last line is especially delicious when I think about the prompt you were responding to... I like when the meaning stays just behind the words like that...
