Saturday, April 27, 2013

You Are My Sunshine

SIDE NOTE: I have been really struggling to write lately. Even with a prompt I just didn't know what to write. I decided I could either keep ignoring the prompts until something made me just have to write or I could force it. Sometimes you have to fake it til you feel it. So I picked a song, set a timer for 10 minutes and wrote. Nothing spectacular came out but I wrote. And for that I am happy.


The other night dear as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms. When I awoke dear, I was mistaken, and I hung my head and cried.

Melancholy. Loneliness. Longing.

This song is so full of sadness it is almost overwhelming. A lover gone to another. A child no longer a child anymore. The death of one so dear. And yet I sing it to my little one as the sun disappears and her eyes droop. I love it, in all it’s gloom and loneliness.

When my grandma died I was still young. Only 14. I didn’t know her as well as I should have. But I could see the pain of real loss in my grandpa. His love had moved on and left him there. And oh how my heart broke for him. He loved her so.

You are my sunshine my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You’ll never know dear how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.

Devotion. Adoration. Dependence.

Growing up I declared I would be dependent on no man. Oh how things have changed. While I strongly value my education, my ability to think for myself, and, if need be, take care of myself, I savor my co-dependence with my husband. I need him and he needs me. I do not wish to go through life, doing everything myself. We work side by side, caring for a house that we chose together, raising the child(ren) we created together in love and longing. He brings balance to a life that was unbalanced before he entered it. I adore my Sunshine.


  1. I like this. You hit on so many elements and emotions in this song, but yet it all seems to work together, and build upon each other. There's a sort of spiritual element in this, and I love that.

  2. Ooh, I love that: "He brings balance to a life that was unbalanced before he entered it. I adore my sunshine." That speaks volumes about how you love Will. I like how you made the two ends foils to each other... I think you could develop that even more, make the two opposite ends reflect each other even more in their opposite-ness(?). Also, on a tangent... isn't it interesting how so many of the lullabies we sing to our children are melancholy? Hmm, perhaps we should explore that relationship sometime...
