Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Writing Prompt #5

Click the link and watch this video of Sarah Kay:

Do it. Really. It is good and you will like it.

Now... think about the steps she shared.

Step One: The moment you say "I can. I can do this."

Step Two: The moment you say "I will. I will continue... I will keep coming back week after week."

Step Three: "It's not enough to just teach that you can express yourself. You have to grow and explore and take risks and challenge yourself. And that is step three: infusing the work you are doing with the specific things that make you you, even while those things are always changing."

Part A of the prompt:

      What makes you you? What are the things that make you unique or different or the same?

Part B of the prompt:

       How can you challenge yourself to become better writers, storytellers, poets? How can you infuse who you are with your desire to write? Have you done steps one and two and are you ready to really jump into step three?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED THIS TALK SO MUCH. Thank you for making it part of the prompt!
